VOA: US to Evacuate Istanbul Consulate Workers' Families
Citing extremist threats in Turkey, the United States has ordered family members of the U.S. consulate staff in Istanbul to leave the country as a safety precaution.
The State Department said the evacuation order announced Saturday was based on intelligence showing extremist groups were continuing "aggressive efforts to attack U.S. citizens in areas of Istanbul where they reside or frequent." No specific threats were listed.
Officials said the U.S. consulate in Istanbul would remain open and fully staffed despite the evacuations. The order is limited to Istanbul and does not apply to other U.S. diplomatic posts in Turkey.
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U.S. orders families of consulate workers in Istanbul to return home amid terrorism fears -- CBC/AP
U.S. State orders family of employees in Istanbul to leave country -- Reuters
State Department orders family of Istanbul consular staff to evacuate -- UPI
U.S. Orders Family Members to Leave Consulate in Istanbul -- NBC
Turkey: US orders Istanbul consulate staff families to leave -- CNN
US orders evacuation of Istanbul diplomatic staff families -- RT
More News On The U.S. Ordering Family Members Of The U.S. Consulate Staff In Istanbul To Leave The Country ASAP
U.S. orders families of consulate workers in Istanbul to return home amid terrorism fears -- CBC/AP
U.S. State orders family of employees in Istanbul to leave country -- Reuters
State Department orders family of Istanbul consular staff to evacuate -- UPI
U.S. Orders Family Members to Leave Consulate in Istanbul -- NBC
Turkey: US orders Istanbul consulate staff families to leave -- CNN
US orders evacuation of Istanbul diplomatic staff families -- RT