Russian President Vladimir Putin with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then Turkey's prime minister, after a news conference in Istanbul in 2012. Osman Orsal/Reuters US Sidelined as Russia, Turkey, Iran Plot Syria's Fate
The U.S. was reduced to the role of concerned bystander Tuesday as NATO-ally Turkey met in Moscow with Iran and Russia to plot Syria's fate following the fall of Aleppo and the assassination of Russia's ambassador to Turkey.
"We weren't invited," State Department spokesman John Kirby said of the Moscow meeting of foreign ministers, but Secretary of State John Kerry made follow-up phone calls to his Russian and Turkish counterparts for readouts of what was discussed.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 21, 2016
NATO's 2nd-largest military is 'bending' to Russia — and leaving the US out in the cold -- Business Insider
Hezbollah using U.S. weaponry in Syria: senior Israeli military officer -- Reuters
Russia Conducts Fifth Test of New Anti-Satellite Missile -- Washington Free Beacon
Details emerge about requirement for China's new strategic bomber -- IHS Jane's 360
China tightens financial oversight on military after scandals -- Reuters
Thailand seeks to develop military production facilities with China -- Reuters
Kim Jong Un holds rocket firing contest -- NYPost
North Korea prepares ballistic-missile sub for sea worthiness -- Washington Times
Japan Coast Guard to increase personnel -- NHK World
US returns land it's controlled since WWII to Japan amid local anger -- CNN
Top US commander in Europe meets with Ukraine troops, officials amid Russia tensions -- Stars and Stripes
French Military Chief: New Threats Require More Spending -- AP
New UK Defense Agency to Oversee Nuclear Missile Subs Construction -- Defense News
Peaceful EU Starts to Fund Military Research -- Scientific American
Canada defends record $11bn arms sale to Saudi Arabia in court -- RT
Afghans who aided US military face long, fearful visa wait -- Washington Times
F-35’s $400K Helmet Still Blinds Pilots on Night Flights -- DoD Buzz
Air Force, industry go on “offense” with cybersecurity -- Defense Systems
US Navy: We need more aircraft carriers, combat ships to meet rising global threats -- Business Insider
The Navy’s $7 Billion Stealth Destroyer Could Be ‘an Unmitigated Disaster’ -- Fiscal Times
What's Wrong With the U.S. Navy's Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Fleet? -- National Interest
Navy to pay Ingalls $1.46B to build amphibious assault ship -- AP
In about face, Navy restores traditional job titles after objections -- FOX News
Navy to Restore Enlisted Rating Titles After Months of Criticism -- USNI News
Yahoo email scan shows U.S. spy push to recast constitutional privacy -- Reuters
15 Things Mattis Taught Me About Real Leadership -- Joe Plenzler, Task And Purpose
How Trump Can Fix The F-35 Fighter Program Without Hurting American Warfighters, Workers Or Allies -- Loren Thompson, Forbes
Special Operations Forces in the Gray Zone -- Phillip Lohaus, AEI