Timothy Stanley, CNN: Trump's shockingly honest approach to Putin
(CNN)The 2016 election was not rigged by Moscow. Rex Tillerson, tipped to be the next secretary of state, is not a KGB agent.
Donald Trump is, however, trying to reset US policy toward Russia to begin a constructive dialogue. For this, he ought to be applauded. Instead, he is almost accused of treachery. The situation is surreal.
Let's analyze those two allegations separately. First, the CIA reportedly believes that Russia likes Trump, hacked the Democrats during the election, and leaked information via WikiLeaks to assist their preferred candidate. If the CIA's claims are true, and doubts exist, then this is very bad news and must be investigated.
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WNU Editor: Others are advocating for a far more aggressive approach towards
Moscow .... How to Wage Hybrid War on the Kremlin (Max Boot, Foreign Policy). What's my take .... we now have an opportunity to cool U.S. - Russian tensions .... and both Trump and Putin would be derelict if they do not take it. What should be the first step .... when Donald Trump becomes President he should push the Ukraine government to make peace with the rebels in the eastern part of the country, specifically with those who want control of their culture and economic well being but within a Ukraine federation. And while I do not think the Kiev government is ready for such an approach .... there are too many extreme Ukrainian nationalists in the government and in the military who see any reconciliation with eastern Ukraine as unacceptable (I give it a few more years before there is any real peace talks) .... it will be a signal to Moscow that the Trump administration is serious about improving ties with Moscow .... and in turn I can see other issues being resolved and/or reconciled with between both countries.