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CNN: US sees a resurgent Russian military expanding into Afghanistan, Libya
The Kremlin's ambitions in the Middle East reach far beyond Syria, according to US officials.
From Afghanistan to Libya, US Pentagon officials are increasingly concerned by mounting Russian military and diplomatic activity they believed is aimed at undermining the US and NATO.
Some of the actions Moscow is accused of participating in include sending operatives to support an armed faction in Libya and providing political legitimacy -- and maybe even supplies -- to the Taliban in Afghanistan. These moves come on top of their overt dispatching of warplanes and ships to target the political opponents of its ally in Syria.
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Russia can use Iranian military bases ‘on case by case basis,’ Tehran confirms -- RT
Testing of Russia's 'Texas-killing' Nuclear Missile Delayed, Again -- Moscow Times
Top Russian military brass warns nearly all low-orbit satellites within reach of US missiles -- TASS
US Radars Cover Almost All Russian Territory - Russian MoD -- Sputnik
Military expert warns US ABMs can detect any missile shield, even Russian ones -- TASS
Top Russian military brass warns US missile defense ships in Black and Baltic seas can hit Russia -- TASS
Russia Joins US in Race to Field Gun-Launched Swarmbots -- Defense One
Tajikistan To Hold Separate Military Maneuvers With U.S., Russian Troops -- RFE
China to open first drone factory in Saudi Arabia -- UPI
China army drills on Myanmar border amid tensions -- Reuters
South China Sea: Aircraft hangars, radar installed on artificial islands -- CNN
South Korea looks to Southeast Asia to sell
CNN: US sees a resurgent Russian military expanding into Afghanistan, Libya
The Kremlin's ambitions in the Middle East reach far beyond Syria, according to US officials.
From Afghanistan to Libya, US Pentagon officials are increasingly concerned by mounting Russian military and diplomatic activity they believed is aimed at undermining the US and NATO.
Some of the actions Moscow is accused of participating in include sending operatives to support an armed faction in Libya and providing political legitimacy -- and maybe even supplies -- to the Taliban in Afghanistan. These moves come on top of their overt dispatching of warplanes and ships to target the political opponents of its ally in Syria.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 28, 2017
Russia can use Iranian military bases ‘on case by case basis,’ Tehran confirms -- RT
Testing of Russia's 'Texas-killing' Nuclear Missile Delayed, Again -- Moscow Times
Top Russian military brass warns nearly all low-orbit satellites within reach of US missiles -- TASS
US Radars Cover Almost All Russian Territory - Russian MoD -- Sputnik
Military expert warns US ABMs can detect any missile shield, even Russian ones -- TASS
Top Russian military brass warns US missile defense ships in Black and Baltic seas can hit Russia -- TASS
Russia Joins US in Race to Field Gun-Launched Swarmbots -- Defense One
Tajikistan To Hold Separate Military Maneuvers With U.S., Russian Troops -- RFE
China to open first drone factory in Saudi Arabia -- UPI
China army drills on Myanmar border amid tensions -- Reuters
South China Sea: Aircraft hangars, radar installed on artificial islands -- CNN
South Korea looks to Southeast Asia to sell
training aircraft -- UPI
North Korea tests rocket engine: U.S. officials -- Reuters
Australia modernizes Anzac-class frigate -- UPI
U.S. Boosts Military Backing for Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen -- WSJ
Pentagon denies changing airstrike rules after reports of civilian deaths -- The Hill
U.S. reinforcements in Mosul include up to 300 Army paratroopers -- Military Times
North Korea strikes would be blocked, U.S. State Department says -- UPI
Marines Test Killer Hovercraft, Wooden Glider & 3D Printers For The Battlefield -- Breaking Defense
Boeing gets $59 million contract mod for KC-46 production -- UPI
Pentagon Likely to Throw $29B at Lockheed for King Stallion Chopper -- Sputnik
High-Tech Army Device Helps Mobile Infantry in Combat -- Scout Warrior
Army develops powerfully nutritious bedtime snack for new recruits -- FOX News
This U.S. Army Helicopter Drone Could Evacuate Wounded Soldiers -- Popular Mechanics
U.S. Army studies 'third arm' device for soldiers -- UPI
Say Goodbye To The Navy’s Online General Military Training -- Task & Purpose
The Heart of the F-35 Is Its Remarkable Engine -- RCD
How the US Navy plans to fix the F-35's most troubling problem -- Alex Lockie, Business Insider
Army Discharging Sergeant for Emailing Same Bin Laden Raid Intel Obama Touted in 2011 -- Washington Free Beacon
Military Members Stole Millions in Afghan Rebuilding Effort -- & Observer (Raleigh, NC)
US Navy SEALs develop mental toughness by reinforcing one behavior -- Quartz
Trump, Palantir, and the Battle to Clean Up a Huge Billion-Dollar Military Procurement Swamp -- Steven Brill, Fortune
Trump's 12-carrier Navy plan: Anything but smooth sailing -- Jamie McIntyre, Washington Examiner
Will DARPA Get Its Cylons Back? -- James Hasik, Atlantic Council
North Korea tests rocket engine: U.S. officials -- Reuters
Australia modernizes Anzac-class frigate -- UPI
U.S. Boosts Military Backing for Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen -- WSJ
Pentagon denies changing airstrike rules after reports of civilian deaths -- The Hill
U.S. reinforcements in Mosul include up to 300 Army paratroopers -- Military Times
North Korea strikes would be blocked, U.S. State Department says -- UPI
Marines Test Killer Hovercraft, Wooden Glider & 3D Printers For The Battlefield -- Breaking Defense
Boeing gets $59 million contract mod for KC-46 production -- UPI
Pentagon Likely to Throw $29B at Lockheed for King Stallion Chopper -- Sputnik
High-Tech Army Device Helps Mobile Infantry in Combat -- Scout Warrior
Army develops powerfully nutritious bedtime snack for new recruits -- FOX News
This U.S. Army Helicopter Drone Could Evacuate Wounded Soldiers -- Popular Mechanics
U.S. Army studies 'third arm' device for soldiers -- UPI
Say Goodbye To The Navy’s Online General Military Training -- Task & Purpose
The Heart of the F-35 Is Its Remarkable Engine -- RCD
How the US Navy plans to fix the F-35's most troubling problem -- Alex Lockie, Business Insider
Army Discharging Sergeant for Emailing Same Bin Laden Raid Intel Obama Touted in 2011 -- Washington Free Beacon
Military Members Stole Millions in Afghan Rebuilding Effort -- & Observer (Raleigh, NC)
US Navy SEALs develop mental toughness by reinforcing one behavior -- Quartz
Trump, Palantir, and the Battle to Clean Up a Huge Billion-Dollar Military Procurement Swamp -- Steven Brill, Fortune
Trump's 12-carrier Navy plan: Anything but smooth sailing -- Jamie McIntyre, Washington Examiner
Will DARPA Get Its Cylons Back? -- James Hasik, Atlantic Council