NBC: Julian Assange Says WikiLeaks May Release More CIA Hacking Tools
WikiLeaks is considering releasing more CIA hacking tools if internet security professionals can first help make sure the cyber weapons can't be used any further, the group's founder, Julian Assange, said Thursday.
Assange ridiculed the CIA for failing to guard information about its online arsenal, allowing it to be passed around within the intelligence community. That is how the material ended up in WikiLeaks' hands ─ and, possibly, criminals', he said.
The spy agency "didn't secure it, lost control of it and then appears to have covered up that fact," Assange said.
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Wikileaks CIA Document Dump -- News Updates And Commentaries March 10-11, 2017
WikiLeaks Release Already Damaging U.S. Intelligence Efforts -- NBC News
href="http://ift.tt/2nkvyRg">Pence: US will 'use the full force of the law' on WikiLeaks if CIA leak legit -- The Hill
Wikileaks: CIA Hackers Have 22,000 ‘Possible Targets’ and ‘Attack Machines’ in US -- Epoch Times
Former CIA director blames millennials for WikiLeaks dump because they don’t understand ‘loyalty’ -- Raw Story
Former CIA chief: WikiLeaks hurts ties with Silicon Valley -- CNET
CIA’s secret work exposed by WikiLeaks -- Miami Herald/Sacremento Bee editorial
What’s Not in the WikiLeaks Documents Is More Important Than What Is -- Brian Feldman, NYMag
Has the CIA Been Damaged by the Latest WikiLeaks Leaks? -- Adam Segal, Newsweek
Wikileaks' CIA document dump will cause a ripple effect -- Sana Saleem, Al Jazeerra
What the WikiLeaks CIA Dump Says About the Weakness of Washington's Data Security -- Carrie Cordero, Fortune
WikiLeaks to What End? -- Max Boot, Commentary
Wikileaks: CIA Hackers Have 22,000 ‘Possible Targets’ and ‘Attack Machines’ in US -- Epoch Times
Former CIA director blames millennials for WikiLeaks dump because they don’t understand ‘loyalty’ -- Raw Story
Former CIA chief: WikiLeaks hurts ties with Silicon Valley -- CNET
CIA’s secret work exposed by WikiLeaks -- Miami Herald/Sacremento Bee editorial
What’s Not in the WikiLeaks Documents Is More Important Than What Is -- Brian Feldman, NYMag
Has the CIA Been Damaged by the Latest WikiLeaks Leaks? -- Adam Segal, Newsweek
Wikileaks' CIA document dump will cause a ripple effect -- Sana Saleem, Al Jazeerra
What the WikiLeaks CIA Dump Says About the Weakness of Washington's Data Security -- Carrie Cordero, Fortune
WikiLeaks to What End? -- Max Boot, Commentary