Are There Really Two Political Scandals In Washington?

Eli Lake, Bloomberg: The Real Political Scandal? Actually, There Are Two

Let me guess. You read about Obama's national security adviser who unmasked the names of Trump associates who were caught up in surveillance and are bewildered that the media is even covering this nothing-burger. It's a diversion from the real story: how the president and his associates collaborated with a Russian influence operation against the U.S. election.

Or perhaps you are sick of hearing about Russia. After all, no one has presented any evidence that President Donald Trump or his team colluded with the Russians. Even James Clapper, President Barack Obama's director of national
intelligence, last month acknowledged he saw no such evidence. The Russia story is #fakenews, to borrow a hashtag of the moment. The real story is about the Obama administration's politicization of state surveillance.

Let me suggest that both stories are something-burgers. Depending on where the facts lead, we will know whether Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, was justified in unmasking the names of Trump transition officials or whether the media's obsession with the government's Russia investigation was warranted.

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WNU Editor: I am not  a fan of the author of the above post .... (to me) Eli Lake is a neo-con and never-Trumper who covers national security and defense stories for Bloomberg View. But the  concerns that he outlines on the surveillance state are justified .... and it is my must read post for today.

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