Pete Souza, White House
Andrew McCarthy, NRO: Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal
Her interest was not in national security but to advance the political interests of the Democratic party.
The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that.
Why is that so important in the context of explosive revelations that Susan Rice, President Obama’s national-security adviser, confidant, and chief dissembler, called for the “unmasking” of Trump campaign and transition officials whose identities and communications were captured in the collection of U.S. intelligence on foreign targets?
Because we’ve been told for weeks that any unmasking of people in Trump’s circle that may have occurred had two innocent explanations: (1) the FBI’s investigation of Russian meddling in the election and (2) the need to know, for purposes of understanding the communications of foreign intelligence targets, the identities of Americans incidentally intercepted or mentioned. The unmasking, Obama apologists insist, had nothing to do with targeting Trump or his people.
That won’t wash.
Read more ....
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On Susan Rice's Role In “Unmasking” Trump Campaign And Transition Officials
Former CIA Analyst: Susan Rice's NSA demasking denials don't add up -- Fred Fleitz, FOX News
The Susan Rice ‘smoking gun,’ and why it matters -- Kayleigh Mcenany, The Hill
Fresh evidence the Russia ‘scandal’ is a Team Obama
operation -- New York Post editorial
Susan Rice caught 'unmasking' Trump aides as Democrats, liberal media do backflips to divert attention -- Liz Peek , FOX News
Susan Rice's Careful Dance on Trump Surveillance -- David Graham, The Atlantic
Susan Rice Takes the Heat Off Devin Nunes Amid Widening Russian Intelligence Investigation -- David Catanese, US News and World Report
Susan Rice somehow manages to make Benghazi cover-up seem minor -- Charles Hurt, Washington Times
The Susan Rice controversy: the latest twist in the Trump wiretapping saga, explained -- Zack Beauchamp. VOX
Did Susan Rice Commit A Crime? It's Starting To Look That Way -- Investor's Business Daily
Susan Rice becomes the target of conservative attacks over Flynn unmasking -- Michael Crowley, Politico
The right wing media attacks on Susan Rice are absurd -- Paul Waldman, Washington Post
Appropriate Surveillance: I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties. -- Michelle Goldberg, Slate
Trump just keeps creating smokescreens to mask his Russia problem -- Chris Cillizza, CNN
Trump’s Russia Distractions Are Getting Desperate -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
GOP senator: Rice the 'Typhoid Mary' of Obama admin foreign policy -- Olivia Beavers, The Hill
Susan Rice actions bad for Obama legacy -- R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., Washington Times
Susan Rice unmasking revelations covered up by ABC, NBC, defended by CBS -- Nicholas Fondacaro, FOX News
The Media Gives Short Schiff to Obamagate -- George Neumayar, Spectator
Q&A: What is ‘unmasking’ and why would Obama adviser do it? -- Eileen Sullivan, AP
Susan Rice caught 'unmasking' Trump aides as Democrats, liberal media do backflips to divert attention -- Liz Peek , FOX News
Susan Rice's Careful Dance on Trump Surveillance -- David Graham, The Atlantic
Susan Rice Takes the Heat Off Devin Nunes Amid Widening Russian Intelligence Investigation -- David Catanese, US News and World Report
Susan Rice somehow manages to make Benghazi cover-up seem minor -- Charles Hurt, Washington Times
The Susan Rice controversy: the latest twist in the Trump wiretapping saga, explained -- Zack Beauchamp. VOX
Did Susan Rice Commit A Crime? It's Starting To Look That Way -- Investor's Business Daily
Susan Rice becomes the target of conservative attacks over Flynn unmasking -- Michael Crowley, Politico
The right wing media attacks on Susan Rice are absurd -- Paul Waldman, Washington Post
Appropriate Surveillance: I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties. -- Michelle Goldberg, Slate
Trump just keeps creating smokescreens to mask his Russia problem -- Chris Cillizza, CNN
Trump’s Russia Distractions Are Getting Desperate -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
GOP senator: Rice the 'Typhoid Mary' of Obama admin foreign policy -- Olivia Beavers, The Hill
Susan Rice actions bad for Obama legacy -- R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., Washington Times
Susan Rice unmasking revelations covered up by ABC, NBC, defended by CBS -- Nicholas Fondacaro, FOX News
The Media Gives Short Schiff to Obamagate -- George Neumayar, Spectator
Q&A: What is ‘unmasking’ and why would Obama adviser do it? -- Eileen Sullivan, AP