#UPDATE The US State Department orders the family members of its embassy staff in Caracas to leave Venezuela https://t.co/FPSztxe4eY— AFP news agency (@AFP) July 28, 2017
In Mosul, the missing are everywhere, as families hunt through the ruined city for traces of lost loved ones https://t.co/apN7vdAFy4 http://pic.twitter.com/Z26ULRlP4Z— AFP news agency (@AFP) July 27, 2017
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U.S. Army Chief of Staff: “Chain of command will...treat every single soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guard with dignity and respect” http://pic.twitter.com/bwf5xz07Oq— ABC News (@ABC) July 27, 2017
Russian army assembling a vehicle. http://pic.twitter.com/L5LBbOSrDJ— Only In Russia (@CrazyinRussia) July 27, 2017