National Post/Washington Post: 'The enemy's back is broken': Iraq reclaims key city as ISIL collapses
The eight-day battle for Tal Afar highlighted just how weak ISIL has become since losing Mosul — however, the city left behind is a shell of its former self
TAL AFAR, Iraq — Iraq’s military fully reclaimed this northern city from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Sunday in a rapid campaign that defied expectations that the extremist group would put up a fierce resistance in one of its last major strongholds.
The battle for Tal Afar, which lasted just eight days, highlighted the diminished capabilities of ISIL in Iraq a month after it lost the key bastion of Mosul to a coalition of Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes and is likely to determine how future fights against the militant group will be executed.
Senior Iraqi military officers said the group has lost the will to fight in the face of a motivated and increasingly more professional military and are advocating that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi authorize his armed forces to launch simultaneous battles for the last major cities that ISIL controls
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WNU Editor: I guess the Islamci State has run out of willing suicide bombers .... ISIS suicide bomber ‘abandons mission and runs away in fear’ after coming under fire from troops in Iraq (Daily Mail).
Iraqi forces regain full control of Tal Afar -- UPI
Iraq fighters take 'victory selfies' at Tal Afar citadel -- AFP
Heavy clashes in last pocket of IS fighters near Tal Afar -- AFP
Peshmerga repels IS attack, kills four militants, northwest of Tal Afar -- Iraqi News
More than 200 Islamic State militants killed in southwestern Tal Afar : Military -- Iraqi News
Helicopters help ANNIHILATE 180 sick ISIS soldiers as death cult on brink of defeat -- Daily Star
Troops retake more areas at Islamic State’s last Tal Afar shelter -- Iraqi News
Tal Afar destruction too little to compare to Mosul: official -- Iraqi News
Sappers’ nightmare: RT films devastation in heavily booby-trapped Tal Afar -- RT
WNU Editor: I guess the Islamci State has run out of willing suicide bombers .... ISIS suicide bomber ‘abandons mission and runs away in fear’ after coming under fire from troops in Iraq (Daily Mail).
More News On Iraq Reclaiming The Key City Of Tal Afar As the Islamic State Collapses
Iraqi forces regain full control of Tal Afar -- UPI
Iraq fighters take 'victory selfies' at Tal Afar citadel -- AFP
Heavy clashes in last pocket of IS fighters near Tal Afar -- AFP
Peshmerga repels IS attack, kills four militants, northwest of Tal Afar -- Iraqi News
More than 200 Islamic State militants killed in southwestern Tal Afar : Military -- Iraqi News
Helicopters help ANNIHILATE 180 sick ISIS soldiers as death cult on brink of defeat -- Daily Star
Troops retake more areas at Islamic State’s last Tal Afar shelter -- Iraqi News
Tal Afar destruction too little to compare to Mosul: official -- Iraqi News
Sappers’ nightmare: RT films devastation in heavily booby-trapped Tal Afar -- RT