The Islamic State group usually posts more than a dozen messages a day on messenger application Telegram but its channels went mysteriously quiet between Wednesday and Thursday, in what analysts said was an "unprecedented" silence
AFP: In 'unprecedented' hiatus, IS media offline for a day
The Islamic State group's online propaganda channels went mysteriously quiet for more than a full day between Wednesday and Thursday, in what analysts said was an "unprecedented" silence.
IS, which uses messaging application Telegram to broadcast daily updates on military
operations and claims of attacks, published nothing between 0900 GMT on Wednesday and 1001 GMT on Thursday.
Charlie Winter, senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, called the silence "unprecedented."
"The deceleration in the production of IS media has been particularly profound over the last couple of weeks," said Winter.
"But there were no 24-hour periods when it was completely silent," he told AFP.
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WNU Editor: I am sure that this did not help those who are pushing the Islamic State's message .... Hackers Put Porn In ISIS Propaganda (Newsweek). More here .... They Planted Porn in ISIS Propaganda, Just for Starters, Then Sowed Chaos and Confusion in the 'Caliphate' (Daily Beast).
Charlie Winter, senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, called the silence "unprecedented."
"The deceleration in the production of IS media has been particularly profound over the last couple of weeks," said Winter.
"But there were no 24-hour periods when it was completely silent," he told AFP.
Read more ....
WNU Editor: I am sure that this did not help those who are pushing the Islamic State's message .... Hackers Put Porn In ISIS Propaganda (Newsweek). More here .... They Planted Porn in ISIS Propaganda, Just for Starters, Then Sowed Chaos and Confusion in the 'Caliphate' (Daily Beast).