© Mario Tama / Reuters
The New Arab & Agencies: Iraq militia threatens US forces after Trump Jerusalem move
A prominent Iraqi militia has warned Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital makes American troops a target, while the Baghdad government has demanded the US backtrack on the decision.
President Donald Trump defied decades of US policy on Wednesday and recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, jeopardising Middle East peace efforts and ignoring warnings from Arab leaders and
Western allies alike of stoking more unrest.
"We caution against the dangerous repercussions of this decision on the stability of the region and the world," an Iraqi government statement said.
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Iraq demands U.S. backtrack on Jerusalem, militia says troops a target -- Reuters
Iraq militia threatens US forces over Trump Jerusalem move -- i24NEW
Iraqi militia threatens US forces after Trump Jerusalem move -- NRT
US troops may become targets after US Jerusalem decision - Iraqi paramilitary group -- RT
"We caution against the dangerous repercussions of this decision on the stability of the region and the world," an Iraqi government statement said.
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More News On An Iranian-Backed Militia Threatening U.S. Troops In Iraq
Iraq demands U.S. backtrack on Jerusalem, militia says troops a target -- Reuters
Iraq militia threatens US forces over Trump Jerusalem move -- i24NEW
Iraqi militia threatens US forces after Trump Jerusalem move -- NRT
US troops may become targets after US Jerusalem decision - Iraqi paramilitary group -- RT