North Korea Using Its Expected Participation In Next Month's Olympics To Fuel Its 'Reunification' Propaganda Campaign

Newsweek: North Korea Using Winter Olympics to Fuel Online 'Reunification' Propaganda

North Korea is using its impending participation in next month's Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang to bolster its ongoing propaganda campaign that the rogue state and Democratic South Korea should be reunified.

A two-minute clip titled "Reunification is by Korean nation itself" uploaded by the North Korean propaganda site DPRK Today paints the Olympics as part of the rogue state's reunification campaign, reported the South Korea-based newspaper The Chosun Ilbo. The clip shows emotional images of North and South Koreans, including footage of times they've cooperated during past athletic competitions.

The video includes subtitles that state, "We are a homogeneous nation by same blood...Let's resolve all issues by the efforts of our nation itself... thereby opening up a new history of national reunification."

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WNU Editor: South Korea's eagerness to engage with North Korea has undercut the international momentum on China and Russia to put pressure on North Korea to rein in its missile and nuclear programs. Am I surprised .... no. For as long as I can remember there has always been a large constituency in South Korea that a policy of appeasement backed with serious economic assistance would temper North Korea's aggressive intentions. The problem is that these policies failed in the past, and I expect them to fail here. But what makes this current situation incredibly dangerous is that North Korea's nuclear and missile program is primarily aimed at the United States. This is not business as usual .... unfortunately .... many in South Korea/China/and Russia believe that it is.

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