From the Naval to the Air Superiority
In the 15th-16th century it was all about naval supremacy. Typical actors were the Portuguese vessels in the Indian Ocean and Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean,only to mention some, that raided and bent to submission coastal cities for complete sea route and market dominion.
20th century technology slowly but inexorably brought in the omnipotent ad undisputed air dominance that has conditioned most conflicts’ outcome until very recently.
Many world’s armed forces have reasoned and have defined their military organizations (air, sea and land), their concepts of operation and their doctrines, strongly conditioned by the air superiority key.Common to all is the worthy strategic, operational and tactical maneuvers rational.
In the 15th-16th century it was all about naval supremacy. Typical actors were the Portuguese vessels in the Indian Ocean and Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean,only to mention some, that raided and bent to submission coastal cities for complete sea route and market dominion.
20th century technology slowly but inexorably brought in the omnipotent ad undisputed air dominance that has conditioned most conflicts’ outcome until very recently.
Many world’s armed forces have reasoned and have defined their military organizations (air, sea and land), their concepts of operation and their doctrines, strongly conditioned by the air superiority key.Common to all is the worthy strategic, operational and tactical maneuvers rational.
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