This Family Restores Tanks For A Living

Popular Mechanics: This Family Salvages World War II Tanks for a Living

Aside from the freezing cold and mosquitoes, it sounds like a dream job.

A family in Belarus has what many tank buffs would consider the best job in the world: saving abandoned tanks and restoring them for a living. The Yakushev family has gradually turned its hobby—recovering these World War II-era vehicles from the bottoms of rivers and swamps—into full time jobs for everyone. The tanks go on to museums and are even used to research video games.

The nation of Belarus was a battlefield for much of the Second World War, a time when it was a part of the Soviet Union. The USSR was quickly overrun by the initial German invasion in 1941, with tanks from both sides participating in titanic battles. After the war the battlefields were cleaned up. Destroyed or abandoned tanks got scrapped.

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WNU Editor: As a kid I have a memory of seeing a half-truck being pulled out of the bog on the outskirts of Moscow (it was right beside a camp that my parents enjoyed going to every summer). It is something that you never forget.

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