Is Israel and Iran On The Path To War?

David Wainer, Donna Abu-Nasr, and Henry Meyer, Jerusalem Post: Israel and Iran on Path to War as Mideast Tinderbox Awaits Spark

There have been coups and revolutions, external invasions and proxy conflicts, but the Middle East hasn’t seen a head-to-head war between major regional powers since the 1980s.

There’s a growing risk that one is about to break out in Syria, pitting Israel against Iran.

The Islamic Republic’s forces are entrenching there, after joining the fight to prop up President Bashar al-Assad. The Jewish state, perceiving a direct threat on its border, is subjecting them to an escalating barrage of airstrikes. Nobody expects those strikes to go unanswered.

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WNU Editor: If you listen to the rhetoric .... both sides clearly want to go "at each other".

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