WNU Editor: Been wanting to post a few stories on the Mueller investigation and the IG report, but I just did not have the chance this week. So here they are with somecommentary.
(1) IG Report Highlights FBI Counterspy Failings (Washington Free Beacon)
Instead of focusing on counter-intelligence, it seems the priority for those who run (correction, ran) the FBI's counter-intelligence operation was to get candidate-Donald Trump and then President-elect Donald Trump. And the sad part .... the Inspector General's notes have not been made public, which tells me that we are probably being told only part of the story .... Open Up the Horowitz Secret Appendix
(2) So much for the Mueller Counsel saying that they do respond to news reports .... ‘It’s Not Responsible’: Mueller’s Office Calls Out New York Times for Incorrect Story About Picking Manafort’s Lock (Law & Crime).
(3) FBI bias!?!?!?! What bias .... Viva le resistance: How political bias infected FBI Trump, Clinton probes (Byron York, Washington Examiner).
(4) Another example of a news story being buried by the main stream media .... CNN, MSNBC Bury FBI Agents Getting Freebies From Reporters (Daily Caller)
(2) So much for the Mueller Counsel saying that they do respond to news reports .... ‘It’s Not Responsible’: Mueller’s Office Calls Out New York Times for Incorrect Story About Picking Manafort’s Lock (Law & Crime).
(3) FBI bias!?!?!?! What bias .... Viva le resistance: How political bias infected FBI Trump, Clinton probes (Byron York, Washington Examiner).
(4) Another example of a news story being buried by the main stream media .... CNN, MSNBC Bury FBI Agents Getting Freebies From Reporters (Daily Caller)