U.S. Poll: Defending Against Terrorism Should Be The Top Prority For President Trump And Congress

John Gramlich, PEW Research: Defending against terrorism has remained a top policy priority for Americans since 9/11

Over the course of more than 15 years and three presidential administrations, Americans have consistently said that defending the nation against terrorism should be a top policy priority for the White House and Congress, according to Pew Research Center surveys conducted since shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

In January of this year, 73% of U.S. adults said defending the country against future terrorist attacks should be a top priority for President Donald Trump and Congress – making this one of the most frequently cited priorities, along with improving the educational system (72%) and strengthening the nation’s economy (71%).

Other issues have risen and fallen as public priorities over the years. Economic concerns such as improving the job situation and reducing the federal budget deficit have generally receded since 2010, while growing shares of Americans have prioritized other areas, such as protecting the environment, dealing with climate change and reducing health care costs.

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WNU Editor: I am surprised that education is number two.

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