Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 23, 2018


David Axe, National Interest: The U.S. Navy Wants 10 More Attack Submarines. But There's a Big Problem with That.

They can't maintain what they already have.

The U.S. Navy wants to add ten new attack submarines to its fleet, but according to a scathing government report, it can’t maintain the fifty-six attack submarines it has as of late 2018.

“The Navy has been unable to begin or complete the vast majority of its attack submarine maintenance periods on time resulting in significant maintenance delays and operating and support cost expenditures,” the Government Accountability Office concluded in its November 2018 report.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 23, 2018

Navy contracts Thales for airborne dipping sonar repairs -- UPI

The Air Force is trying to close a 2,000-pilot shortage, and more of its cadets are training to fly -- Business Insider

Could the Air Force End Up with 200 New B-21 Stealth Bombers? -- National Interest

The Army Is Engineering Rifle Optics That Will Never Miss -- Task & Purpose

Forget the US Army's M4 Carbine: Here Is What the M5 Should Look Like -- National Interest

Changes are coming for the Pentagon’s ‘tape test’ and body composition policies -- Defense News

The US military is using video games and esports to recruit – it's downright immoral -- The Independent

The Army’s greatest recruiting tool is in its opportunity -- Capt. Heath A. Bergmann, Army Times

US Navy’s Expansion Plans Spur Recruitment Effort at Shipyards -- AP

href="">Here’s why Marine Raiders want to take down GPS, cellphones and a Russian navigation service -- Marine Times

Navy changes sleeping policies on aircraft carriers after fatal collisions -- Virginia Pilot

US consul general extends hand of friendship to China aboard USS Ronald Reagan and emphasises desire to ensure stability in the region -- SCMP

Russia rewrites nuclear rule book to fire first -- The Times

Russia's new military transport helicopter performs debut flight -- TASS

Russia's Mil Design Bureau to develop fast-speed combat helicopter for Russian Army -- TASS

Can data be shared among US, Chinese and Russian aircraft? Sudan did it. -- Defense News

Chinese General Hopes Military Will Take Back Taiwan Before Next Generation's Hair Turns Gray -- Newsweek

Germany sees next step on fighter jet replacement by end of year -- Reuters

France Sends Massive Signal Intelligence Ship Dupuy de Lome With Escort to Syria -- Sputnik

Swedish Defence Loses 'Important Money' in Snowballing Error -- Sputnik

The Finnish Model: To Improve Europe’s Militaries, Look North -- Elisabeth Braw, Foreign Affairs

Tajik army faces criticism over draft campaign -- BBC

Allying against Iran: US is creating Arab NATO -- RT

Canadian watchdog sounds alarm over F-18 purchase, military priorities -- Defense News

How NATO is preparing for the new Cold War -- Leonid Ragozin, Bloomberg

Why Army's Around the World Still Love Grenade Launchers -- National Interest/Task & Purpose

Why DoD and Silicon Valley Need to Get on the Same Page -- Lara Seligman, Foreign Policy

A real European army and the problem of historical ignorance -- Monica Duffy Toft, The Hill

US Army size: is America still the most powerful country in the world? -- Andrew Brint, Army Technology

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