Tank T-14 “Armata”. Photo Credit: Valeri Sharifurin, TASS
Bulgarian Military: Russia Modernizes and Rearms its Military in 2019. “Iskander-M” and “Avangard” Assume Combat Duty
MOSCOW, Russia (BulgarianMilitary.com) – Ministry of Defence of the Russian
Federation, in specially sent notices, quoted by the national Russian news agency TASS, announced its intentions to rearm and modernize its military capabilities in 2019, learned BulgartianMilitary.com
After, in September last year, Russia organized and conducted its largest military exercise after nearly 37 years, in 2019 the Russian army enters the next stage of Vladimir Putin’s plans, namely, renewal of the available army’s technology and capacity, as well as rearmament of the Russian armed forces.
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WNU Editor: I am skeptical of this report that Russia will modernize and rearm its military in 2019. And the reason why is that the Russian defence budget has been decreasing (not increasing) in the past two years .... Russian Defense Spending Falls By Twenty Percent (May 2, 2018).
After, in September last year, Russia organized and conducted its largest military exercise after nearly 37 years, in 2019 the Russian army enters the next stage of Vladimir Putin’s plans, namely, renewal of the available army’s technology and capacity, as well as rearmament of the Russian armed forces.
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WNU Editor: I am skeptical of this report that Russia will modernize and rearm its military in 2019. And the reason why is that the Russian defence budget has been decreasing (not increasing) in the past two years .... Russian Defense Spending Falls By Twenty Percent (May 2, 2018).