U.S. Democrat Leaders Split From 2020 Contender Sanders Over His Stance On Venezuela

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said that he believes “the United States has got to work with the international community to make sure that there is a free and fair election in Venezuela.” John Shinkle/POLITICO

Politico: ‘He is not going to be the nominee’: Dems slam Sanders over Maduro stance

The just-announced 2020 contender declines to say whether the socialist Venezuelan dictator should go.

Florida Democrats are denouncing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for refusing to call Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro a dictator — a politically explosive issue in the nation’s biggest swing state.

Sanders also would not say whether he considered Venezuela’s assembly leader, Juan Guaidó, as the nation’s interim president, which is the position of the United States and a majority of Latin American countries European countries.

Both of Sanders’ positions play into the hands of President Trump and the GOP, say Democrats. The president just held a rally in Miami on Monday to denounce Maduro and socialism, an appeal to the state’s growing block of Venezuelan-American voters. Many Venezuelans have flocked to the state as the country’s economy crashed and repression increased.

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WNU Editor: Sanders has a long history of being sympathetic to leftist governments, and who now refers to himself as a "democratic socialist". He also has a huge base of support in the Democrat Party, and is now out-raising his opponents in raising campaign funds. This makes him a serious contender within the Democrat Party, and in a field that is as big as this one, where almost two dozen Democrats now want to be the nominee for U.S. President, well positioned to have a chance to win. But his position on Venezuela is going to hurt him. Especially among Latinos who have no love for Latin American leaders like Maduro, Castro, Ortega, and others.

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