Islamic State Affiliate Cheers The Destruction Of Notre Dame Cathedral

Image: A poster created by the Al-Muntasir media group - an ISIS affiliated propaganda wing - appeared online on Monday night, according to the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium

Daily Mail: 'Have a nice day': ISIS fanatics revel in Notre Dame's destruction days before Easter as they describe the inferno as 'retribution and punishment'

* ISIS affiliated propaganda group made a heartless poster of the inferno in Paris
* It was accompanied by a cruel message bidding 'au revoir' to Notre Dame
* The world mourned as the 850-year-old cathedral erupted in flames on Monday
* Prosecutors said they are treating it as an accident, ruling out terror for now

ISIS fanatics are heartlessly revelling in the inferno at Notre Dame Cathedral just days before Easter calling it 'retribution and punishment', according to terror intelligence researchers.

A poster of the blazing cathedral appeared online accompanied by the words, 'Have a good day,' and was created by the ISIS affiliated Al-Muntasir group according to the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium.

The poster says: 'Its construction began in the year 1163 and ended in 1345. It's time to say goodbye to your oratory polytheism.'

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Update: ISIS Propaganda Group Celebrates Notre Dame Fire as ‘Retribution’ (Epoch Times)

WNU Editor: Why am I not surprised.

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