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Daily Mail: Top coronavirus model predicts 100,000 Americans dead by the end of this summer's first wave - as death toll passes Trump's best case scenario of 60,000 dead
* The MOBS model from the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University predicts that 100,000 Americans will have died from COVID-19 by the end of summer
* It also estimates that there will be about 89,000 deaths by mid-May if stay-at-home orders remain in place
* That death toll would increase to over one million in an unmitigated scenario, according to the projections that are among those used by the CDC to forecast the pandemic
* As of Wednesday, the US death toll is now at 61,000 and there are more than one million infections
* Trump, in recent weeks, had suggested that 60,000 might be the total death count from COVID-19
A top coronavirus model is predicting that 100,000 Americans will have died from COVID-19 by the end of the summer - as the US death toll surpasses President
Donald Trump's best case scenario of 60,000 deaths.
The MOBS model from the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University also estimates that there will be about 89,000 deaths by mid-May if stay-at-home orders remain in place.
That death toll would increase to over one million in an unmitigated scenario, according to the projections that are among those used by the CDC to forecast the pandemic.
The director of the institute responsible for the MOBS model, Alessandro Vespignani, is estimating that 100,000 will die by the end of the 'first wave' at the end of summer.
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WNU Editor: The twitter stream below is a must read. The author examines how many more people than usual have been dying around the world in recent weeks? Answer. Far more than what is being reported.
The MOBS model from the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University also estimates that there will be about 89,000 deaths by mid-May if stay-at-home orders remain in place.
That death toll would increase to over one million in an unmitigated scenario, according to the projections that are among those used by the CDC to forecast the pandemic.
The director of the institute responsible for the MOBS model, Alessandro Vespignani, is estimating that 100,000 will die by the end of the 'first wave' at the end of summer.
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WNU Editor: The twitter stream below is a must read. The author examines how many more people than usual have been dying around the world in recent weeks? Answer. Far more than what is being reported.
NEW: a lot of data on reported Covid deaths is highly suspect, so we’ve been looking into excess mortality — how many more people than usual have been dying around the world in recent weeks?— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) April 26, 2020
Story by me, @ChrisGiles_ & @valentinaromei (free to read): https://t.co/EiE5Q3OSmR pic.twitter.com/AiTdBnBma9