The inspections came as several key Ukrainian government websites were taken offline Friday, authorities said, in a sweeping cyber attack. Pictured: A laptop displays a warning message in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, that appeared on the official website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry after a massive cyberattack, in this illustration taken January 14, 2022
* NATO says it will sign an agreement on enhanced cyber cooperation after attack
* Cyber attack temporarily brought down foreign ministry and cabinet websites
* Russian military is being closely watched due to a troop buildup near Ukraine
* Kyiv and the West fears that Moscow may be planning to invade its neighbour
NATO has announced it plans to deepen cyber cooperation with Ukraine
Without naming Moscow, aide to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, Andriy Yermak, said Western and Ukrainian intelligence believed the cyberattacks were part of a plot for the 'destabilisation of the situation in Ukraine'.
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: 'In the coming days, NATO and Ukraine will sign an agreement on enhanced cyber cooperation, including Ukrainian access to NATO's malware information sharing platform.'
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NATO And EU Offer Ukraine Cyber-Security Support After Yesterday's 'Massive' Attack
Following cyber attack, NATO to boost cyber defense cooperation with Ukraine (Ukrinform)
EU races to help Ukraine fight cyberattack -- Politico NATO,
Ukraine to sign cyber deal after government hack -- TRT World
NATO and EU offer Ukraine cyber-security support after 'massive' attack -- CGTN
U.S. offers Ukraine 'whatever support it needs' to recover from cyberattack -- Reuters