Daily Mail's Reporter In Ottawa Acknowledges that His Peers In The Media Are Lying About The Trucker Protesters

Truckers have continued to converge on the capital city where they blocked streets, shot off fireworks and blared horns, in protest of the vaccine mandates, which also cover drivers gong the other way into the US

Since DailyMail.com arrived in Ottawa last week we have seen no indication of violence or vandalism or any extremist political agenda. In fact, the demonstrations have shown the opposite. Supplies brought in for the protesters also include bouncy castles for children as protests continue into the second week  

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Freedom Convoy truckers say Trudeau and North America’s liberal media are falsely demonizing them as ultra-right-wing crazies. And after spending a week in their midst, the Mail’s reporter can only conclude these peaceful, good-natured protestors are 100% correct about that – if nothing else 

* Canadian truckers blasted the government and Ottawa police Monday after members of their 'Freedom Convoy' protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes 

* The protesters also strongly deny they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers' trying to make a living without being bound by the government's covid vaccine mandates 

* 'Justin Trudeau and his government like to paint us protestors as right-wing conspiracist, associated with QAnon. But we aren't. We are far from it,' trucker Guy Meister, of Nova Scotia, told DailyMail.com 

* Ottawa's Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency Sunday to help deal with an unprecedented 11-day occupation by protesting truckers 

* The protest has shut down much of the core of the Canadian capital, Ottawa Police arrested seven people and opened 60 criminal investigations for hate crimes and mischief 

* They also seized fuel and supplies for 1,000 vehicles just hours after the mayor declared a state of emergency 

Angry truckers have lashed out at Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau after members of their convoy protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes during another weekend of unrest in the country's capital city. 

They have also strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just 'ordinary truckers.' 

'It's intimidation, nothing else,' Freedom Convoy protestor Guy Meister told DailyMail.com on Monday. 

'We are just a bunch of hard working truck drivers who are out here protesting the government's covid mandates.  

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WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and on Canadian main stream media I have seen nothing but condemnation and claims that the demonstrators are racist/misogynist/Nazis/Trump supporters/etc. non stop for almost two weeks. I have been in Ottawa for the past two Saturdays, and I have seen nothing like that. Kudos to the Daily Mail for at least sending someone to go to the protest sites, and truthfully report what they are seeing.

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