Kremlin Rejects As 'Nonsense' A U.S. Claim Of A False Flag Plot To Attack Ukraine

Moscow Times: Russia Rejects 'Nonsense' U.S. Claim of False Flag Plot to Attack Ukraine 

Russia rejected on Friday the United States' claims that it is plotting a false flag operation to justify an attack on Ukraine. 

The Pentagon and the State Department on Thursday accused Russia of planning to stage a “fake attack” by Ukrainian forces on Russian-speaking people accompanied by “a very graphic propaganda video.” 

When pressed for evidence, State Department spokesman Ned Price said it was “confident” in its intelligence but provided no other proof.  

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Update #1: Russia says US cannot be 'believed' on Ukraine accusations (RTE)  

Update #2: Russia Mocks US False Flag Video Accusation As "Delusional" (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: My advice to the US State Department is that before they make accusations that Russia is about to launch a war, they should provide some tangible evidence.

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