U.S. National Security Adviser Says A Russian Attack On Ukraine Could Come 'Any Time Now'

ABC News: WH national security adviser says there's a 'very distinct' possibility of Russian attack on Ukraine 

Jake Sullivan said an attack could come "any time now." 

As the standoff between Russia and the United States continues, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warned of a "very distinct" possibility Russia will attack Ukraine at "any time now." 

"We believe that there is a very distinct possibility that Vladimir Putin will order an attack on Ukraine. It could take a number of different forms. It could happen as soon as tomorrow or it could take some weeks yet," Sullivan said in an interview with ABC "This Week" Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz on Sunday.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Ukraine government has a different opinion .... 'We don't have a Titanic here': Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky downplays the US assessment of imminent Russian invasion as Gen. Mark Milley warns a full attack would be 'horrific' and bring a 'significant amount of casualties' (Daily Mail). More here .... Ukraine plays down Russian invasion despite US sounding alarm (France 24). 

More News On U.S. National Security Adviser Saying A Russian Attack On Ukraine Could Come 'Any Time Now' 

Top Biden aide says Ukraine invasion could come ‘any day’ -- AP  

Biden security adviser Sullivan says Russian invasion could come ‘any day now’ -- CNBC 

National security adviser: Russia could invade Ukraine 'any day now' -- The Hill 

U.S. Official Warns Russian Could Invade 'Any Day,' As Ukraine Still Sees Talks More Likely -- RFE  

Sullivan teases what deal with Russia could look like, but warns if they invade Ukraine ‘we’re ready for that' -- FOX News  

US comments on ‘fighting Russian forces in Ukraine’ -- RT

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