This is coolbert:
Also from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.
That decision of the Turk [Sunni] to enter the fray and the battle for Mosul, aiding and abetting the Kurdish Peshmerga rising the ire of the Iranian [Shia].
"Tehran will fight Turkey's role in Mosul operation"
24 October
"The involvement of Turkish special operations, armored and artillery forces in support of the Kurdish Peshmerga battle to drive ISIS out of Bashiqa, 12 south of Mosul, marks a pivotal moment in the US-led
Also from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.
That decision of the Turk [Sunni] to enter the fray and the battle for Mosul, aiding and abetting the Kurdish Peshmerga rising the ire of the Iranian [Shia].
"Tehran will fight Turkey's role in Mosul operation"
24 October
"The involvement of Turkish special operations, armored and artillery forces in support of the Kurdish Peshmerga battle to drive ISIS out of Bashiqa, 12 south of Mosul, marks a pivotal moment in the US-led
coalition's anti-ISIS offensive to free Iraq's second city. The entire Mosul operation hangs in the balance since Turkey stepped into the fighting in Iraq, at the initiative of the US. Instead of fighting ISIS, the coalition's partners are squaring off to fight each other."
Those Iraqi Shia militias now also involved in the fighting in and around Mosul. Shia militias acting as proxies of the Iranian.
NO unified command and the various combatants even at odds with one another, their strategic goals varying and complex.
Those Iraqi Shia militias now also involved in the fighting in and around Mosul. Shia militias acting as proxies of the Iranian.
NO unified command and the various combatants even at odds with one another, their strategic goals varying and complex.