INS Kora equipped with the Kh-35 Uran Antiship Missiles
The Indian Navy has issued a request for information (RFI) to support a planned new corvette programme as it intends to procure seven to 10 next-generation corvettes (NGCs) class of ships from Indian shipyards.
According to the RFI document, these NGCs will be capable of anti-submarine warfare operations, local naval defence, maritime interdiction operations, offensive surface-surface missile (SSM) attack and visit, board, search and seizure operations. The ship should carry a minimum of eight SSMs. The new corvettes will also sport a gun with a stealth feature having range not less than 15 km. The ship will also be fitted with a combat management system to facilitate a quick response for operations at sea.
The aim of the RFI is to assist in finalising specifications for a next-generation, multipurpose corvette. The first part of the RFI incorporates operational characteristics and features that should be met by the NGCs. The second part of the RFI states the methodology of seeking response of Indian shipyards.
The program can be seen as an effort to tackle the chronic shortage of warships. The Indian Navy, which looks at the Indian Ocean as the primary area of influence and is designated to play the most prominent role in securing the region and acting as a net security provider, needs to have at least 212 warships against the currently operational fleet of just 139.