Is The Democrat Party Facing A Grassroots Revolt?

The Hill: Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party

The Republican civil war was supposed to start this week.

Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.

Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.

Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.

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WNU Editor: In the past year I have been focusing and posting news reports on the growing revolt among the grassroots in the Republican Party, and why they were supporting Donald Trump. In this time I should have also asked the following question .... what would happen to the Democrat Party if Hillary Clinton lost the election? It has happened .... and it looks like it is going to get ugly. And if President Obama stays out of and this debate .... the power vacuum that it will create is going to result in a struggle for the heart and soul of the Democrat Party that we have not seen for a long time. I personally think this will be a good thing .... it is long overdue, and the Democrats need to look at their base, what they want, and to then make their case to the American people.

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