Outgoing Sen. Kelly Ayotte The Next U.S. Secretary Of Defense?

Washington Post: Trump team discussing Ayotte for defense secretary

The Trump team has added a name to its list of potential candidates for secretary of defense — outgoing Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), according to two sources familiar with the ongoing discussions. If chosen, Ayotte would stand out in a Trump administration as a neoconservative defense hawk and one of the few women in the incoming Trump Cabinet.

No decisions have been made and the current list for possible defense secretary picks still centers around retired Army Lt. Gen. Joseph “Keith” Kellogg, former Defense Intelligence Agency director Gen. Mike Flynn and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). Flynn would need a congressional waiver to bypass a law that requires any defense secretary to be seven years out of active duty service before taking command of the Pentagon.

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WNU Editor: She is not going to say no .... Ayotte doesn't rule out serving Trump administration (Union Leader).

More News On Reports That Outgoing Sen. Kelly Ayotte Is The Next U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Kelly Ayotte at top of Trump's list for defense secretary -- Washington Examiner
Report: Trump Considering Ayotte for Defense Secretary -- New Hampshire Public Radio
Trump considering outgoing Senator Ayotte for defense secretary: Washington Post -- Reuters
A Trump Nomination to Heal the Party: Kelly Ayotte -- NPR
Rumor: Kelly Ayotte for defense secretary -- Hot Air

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