Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- Janury 18, 2017

New York Times: Obama’s Last News Conference: Full Transcript and Video

The following is the full transcript of a news conference that President Obama held in Washington on Wednesday, as prepared by the Federal News Service.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 18, 2017

Was Barack Obama a transformative president? -- Linda Feldmann, CSM

Obama should give back his Nobel -- Scott Jennings, USA Today

The American Epoch is over. It ended on Obama’s watch -- Terry Glavin, National Post

How To Salvage U.S.-Russia Relations: One Expert's Take -- Lucian Kim, NPR

What Happens Next In The Baltics? -- Claude Schmid, Strategy Bridge

Theresa May's Brexit Plan: I Want, I Want, I Want -- Christoph Scheuermann, Spiegel Online

At Istanbul's Grand Bazaar, empty shops echo a country's deepening strains -- Scott Peterson, CSM

Purges Have Weakened Once Mighty Turkish Military -- Peter Müller and Maximilian Popp, Spiegel Online

What I’ve witnessed in Turkey is an assault on democracy itself -- Owen Jones, The Guardian

Is Myanmar on the Path to Genocide? -- Michael Hart, The Diplomat

A Chinese Model for the Global Economy -- Xi Jinping. RCW

The Empty Trump Administration -- Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg

Trump isn't the first president to distrust US intelligence -- Peter Grier, Bloomberg

The CIA’s Secret History Is Now Online -- Jason Leopold, Buzzfeed

CIA publishes its history, nearly 13 million pages of documents online -- Paul P. Murphy, CNN

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