Russian Foreign Minister: UK, Germany, & France ‘Grossly Interfered’ In US Election

Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov. © Iliya Pitalev/Sputnik

RT: UK, Germany, & France ‘grossly interfered’ in US election – Russian FM

Leaders and top officials from the UK, Germany, and France have “grossly interfered” in US internal affairs, “campaigned” for Hillary Clinton, and openly “demonized” Donald Trump, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Speaking at a press conference following a meeting with Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz, Lavrov said Moscow “is tired" of accusations it meddled in the US election.

In fact, Lavrov said, it is time to “acknowledge the fact” that it was the other way around.

“US allies have grossly interfered in America’s internal affairs, in the election campaign,” Lavrov said.

“We noticed that Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May, and other European leaders” did so. He added that official representatives of some of the European countries did not mince words, and essentially “demonized” Donald Trump during the election campaign.

In August last year, German Foreign Minister Frank Walther Steinmeier called Trump a “hate preacher.”

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Update: Russia Snaps, Accuses UK, Germany And France Of "Grossly Interfering" In The US Election (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: While doing this blog I lost count on how many times European leaders and politicians unloaded on Trump .... and the media frenzy that followed. Can this be labeled as interference in the U.S. election .... apparently not. But leaked emails that expose how the Democrat primary was fixed are labeled as election interference .... that the Russians are to be blamed for it (even though no evidence has been made public to prove these allegations) .... and that this in turn makes President-elect Trump illegitimate.

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