Guillermo Lasso, presidential candidate from the CREO party, talks to Reuters in Guayaquil, Ecuador February 16, 2017. Picture taken February 16, 2017. To match Interview ECUADOR-ELECTION/LASSO REUTERS/Guillermo Granja
Reuters: Ecuador opposition candidate vows to remove Assange, denounce Venezuela
Ecuador's lead opposition candidate is offering a sharp break with ten years of leftist rule in the Andean country, vowing to remove Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from the nation's London embassy, speak out against Venezuela's socialist government, and likely renegotiate debts with China.
Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso is the opposition's frontrunner
in Sunday's presidential election.
Polls suggest ruling party candidate, paraplegic former Vice President Lenin Moreno, 63, will win on Sunday but fall just short of enough votes to avoid an April runoff against Lasso, 61.
With analysts expecting the OPEC country's disparate opposition to unite behind Lasso in a potential second round, his victory would cement the return of the right in South America after a decade of a strong leftist bloc buoyed by a commodities boom.
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WNU Editor: My friends and readers in Latin America are telling me the same thing. There will be no winners on Sunday .... but Guillermo Lasso will win in the run-off in April. If true .... it looks like Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's days of staying in Ecuador's London embassy are about to end .... Julian Assange’s Fate Could Be Decided by Ecuador’s Election (New York Times).
Polls suggest ruling party candidate, paraplegic former Vice President Lenin Moreno, 63, will win on Sunday but fall just short of enough votes to avoid an April runoff against Lasso, 61.
With analysts expecting the OPEC country's disparate opposition to unite behind Lasso in a potential second round, his victory would cement the return of the right in South America after a decade of a strong leftist bloc buoyed by a commodities boom.
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WNU Editor: My friends and readers in Latin America are telling me the same thing. There will be no winners on Sunday .... but Guillermo Lasso will win in the run-off in April. If true .... it looks like Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's days of staying in Ecuador's London embassy are about to end .... Julian Assange’s Fate Could Be Decided by Ecuador’s Election (New York Times).