Poll: Voters Trust President Trump More Than The Media

FOX News: Fox News Poll: Voters divided over trusting Trump or the media

Slightly more voters find the White House more truthful than the media, according to the latest Fox News Poll.

In addition, most feel the press is tougher on President Trump than it was on President Obama. But that may be a positive development, as a majority thinks aggressive coverage of the presidency is good for the country.

By a slim 45-42 percent margin, more voters say they trust the Trump administration to “tell the public the truth” than the reporters who cover the White House. Ten percent say neither.

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WNU Editor: How this poll was conducted (as well as other results) are here. I was surprised that it leaned heavy on "liberals and moderates/Democrats and Independents" for its sampling. Two other things that stuck out for me in this poll. A year ago voters overwhelmingly trusted the media over politicians .... no more now (I am not surprised .... and yes .... for someone who values the importance of having a press this is in my opinion terrible news) .... and (2) the mass majority believe the media is more harsher on President Trump than they were on President Obama (and on this point I do agree).

Update: This BBC interview with President Trump aide Sebastian Gorka (see below) illustrates the problem that the main stream media is having when it comes to covering the Trump administration. Agree or disagree with the Trump administration is one thing .... there is a lot of that around .... but I like to think that most of us are in agreement that we want the main stream media to do a better job, and the sooner the better.

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