Questions Arise On Sunday's U.S. Special Forces Raid Against Al Qaeda In Yemen

New York Times: Raid in Yemen: Risky From the Start and Costly in the End

WASHINGTON — Just five days after taking office, over dinner with his newly installed secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Trump was presented with the first of what will be many life-or-death decisions: whether to approve a commando raid that risked the lives of American Special Operations forces and foreign civilians alike.

President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended.

With two of his closest advisers, Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, joining the dinner at the White House along with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Mr. Trump approved sending in the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, hoping the raid early last Sunday would scoop up cellphones and laptop computers that could yield valuable clues about one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist groups. Vice President Mike Pence and Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser, also attended the dinner.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. is continuing their attacks against Al Qaeda forces in Yemen .... U.S. reportedly still hammering Yemen militants after deadly raid (AP).

More News On Questions Arising On Sunday's U.S. Special Forces Raid Against Al Qaeda In Yemen

US says civilians likely killed in Yemen raid; inquiry begun -- AP
US military officials: Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that killed US Navy SEAL was approved 'without sufficient intelligence' -- Reuters
Trump's deadly first counterterrorism raid in Yemen had inadequate intel, ground support, military officials say -- NYD
Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen -- The Hill
Yemen al-Qaeda: US says civilians 'likely' killed in raid -- BBC
U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid -- Reuters
8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki among those killed in Yemen raid, report says -- FOX News
US admits civilians 'likely' killed in Yemen raid -- Al Jazeera
Questions mount over botched Yemen raid approved by Trump -- The Guardian
The Yemen Raid: Highlighting Four Key Issues -- Robert Chesney, Lawfare
The Navy SEAL Who Gave All in Yemen -- Michael Daly, Daily Beast

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