Popular Mechanics: John McCain's Plan Calls for More Mini-Aircraft Carriers. Here's What He's Talking About.
We already have them.
In his blueprint for increased defense spending released last week, Senator John McCain, head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, recommends building what he calls a high/low mix of aircraft carriers. The high end we already have. These are the Nimitz and now Ford-class of supercarriers. But what is the low end of the mix, and what would it look like? It would look like ships we have now.
Last week, Senator McCain released "Restoring American Power: Recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2018-2022 Defense Budget". The Senator from Arizona endorsed growing the U.S. Navy to 355 ships, a number that the Chief of Naval Operations, the military head of the Navy, supports. But McCain doesn't want all of the funds to go towards traditional big-deck aircraft carriers like the ones that we have now. McCain says:
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WNU Editor: Even at $3.4 billion per ship .... it's not cheap.