Who Leaked The U.S. President - Australian Prime Minister Phone Call?

Daily Mail: Who leaked Trump and Turnbull's phone call? Claims President's own advisers may have leaked details of clash with

* Australian PM to prove he doesn't want refugee deal
* Canberra sources suggested Trump's own team leaked phone call with Turnbull
* President 'yelled' at Australian PM over deal to resettle 1,250 refugees in the US
* Trump reportedly accused Turnbull of trying to send the 'next Boston bombers'
* Insiders speculated that chief strategist Steve Bannon could have leaked details

Just a handful of close advisers were privy to President Donald Trump's heated first phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

But despite just a few of Trump's inner circle hearing the tense conversation, details of the two leaders' supposedly blazing row have spread from Washington to Canberra - rocking the Turnbull administration.

The new President is said to have slammed Turnbull over a deal he agreed with Barack Obama which would have seen 1,250 refugees on Manus Island and Nauru shipped to the US.

A furious Trump is reported to have accused the Australian leader of trying to export the 'next Boston bombers' directly to the United States.

With no obvious whistleblower in the Oval Office during the telephone call on Sunday, some have suggested that one of Trump's own team may have leaked the conversation.

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Previous Post: U.S. President Trump And Australian PM Turnbull Have Testy Phone Call On Refugees

WNU Editor: Some in the media are putting the blame for this leak on chief strategist Steve Bannon .... which is interesting since he despises/hates the main stream media .... especially publications like the Washington Post who were the first to leak this story. What's my take .... I know how foreign ministry operations work, and the sequence of events on how such a phone call is handled is like this .... the phone call is made, discussion ensues and a transcript is made within a few hours. Transcript goes to the foreign ministry/State Department the next day (or sooner) where it is then archived. Since the details of this leak are very specific .... and it happened only a few days after the phone call .... it tells me that it is coming from the transcript of the discussion .... which in turn tells me that it is coming from the U.S. State Department itself. Rex Tillerson was only confirmed last night as U.S. Secretary of State .... U.S. Senate Confirms Rex Tillerson As U.S. Secretary Of State (February 1, 2017). Here is an easy prediction .... The State Department is full of former President Obama employees who have no love of the new administration .... U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson's first job will be to clean out house.

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