Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 17, 2017

US News and World Report: Trump Budget Blames Obama By Name for Military Woes

Harsh rhetoric in what is supposed to be an optimistic document appears to break from prior White House protocol.

President Donald Trump called out his predecessor by name in a budget "blueprint" released Thursday, saying Barack Obama's treatment of the U.S. military has yielded the greatest obstacle the current commander in chief faces.

"The military's depletion under President Obama is our foremost challenge," the budget document states.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 17, 2017

Pentagon’s FY17 supplemental sets up budget caps fight -- Defense News

Pentagon Seeks $30 Billion Extra in This Year's Budget --

Here's the $156 billion in wasteful military spending Trump should slash -- CNBC

China: THAAD deployment in Korea violates national security -- UPI

Taiwan to ask US for stealth fighters to combat China threat -- The Guardian

Philippines to strengthen military facilities in South China Sea -- Reuters

Israel’s Arrow scores first operational hit — but against what? -- Defense News

Senior Australian sailors investigated over US Navy 'Fat Leonard' sex and bribery scandal -- ABC News Online

Timeline: The ‘Fat Leonard’ Case -- USNI News

White House reassures London over 'ridiculous' GCHQ spying claims -- DW

US Soldiers Train for Jungle Warfare at Hawaii Rainforest -- NBC

The Army Wants a Prototype Next Generation Combat Vehicle by 2022 -- Popular Mechanics

Is Small Beautiful For The Army’s Next Generation Combat Vehicle? -- Breaking Defense

US, Asia-Pacific allies roll out F-35 stealth fighter -- Defense News

F-35 test fires European-made missile for first time -- UPI

Boeing, U.S. government sign $3.4 billion deal for AH-64E Apache helicopters -- Reuters

U.S. Army looks to Air Force for future air defenses -- UPI

Navy Won't Disclose Cost Overruns for USS Milwaukee -- Journal Sentinel

Northrop Grumman tapped for littoral combat ship gun support -- UPI

Missing from Trump's grand Navy plan: skilled workers to build the fleet -- CNBC/Reuters

New US Military Communications Satellite to Launch Saturday --

White House budget head: Reported Coast Guard cuts ‘not accurate’ -- The Hill

Senate intelligence chiefs of both parties reject Trump wiretapping claim -- The Guardian

White House Names Pick for Pentagon No. 2 --

Sources: Mattis, Ricardel clashed over Pentagon appointees -- Defense News

NCIS has identified hundreds of Marines who are members of Marines United -- Marine Times

“Those eyes and that body”: The military's nude photo scandal reaches Hampton Roads -- Virginia-Pilot

How This Army Ranger Stays Focused Under Enemy Fire -- Jeff Martindale, Fortune

One Way the U.S. Navy Could Take on China: Diesel Submarines -- James Holmes, National Interest

Pentagon warns employees: Don't stream March Madness games at work -- CBS

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