WNU Editor: For more details on this poll .... Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president (AP). But before everyone gets excited .... when the results of this poll (57% illegitimate vs. 42% legitimate) are compared to the PEW poll on last year's U.S. election results (young adults preferred Clinton over Trump by a 55%-37% margin) .... the argument can be made that President Trump's numbers are actually increasing. Still .... the fact that more than half of young Americans have decided that their President is not legitimate is a disturbing trend, and I predict will only continue.
President Trump Is Not Seen By Most Young Americans To Be A Legitimate President
WNU Editor: For more details on this poll .... Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president (AP). But before everyone gets excited .... when the results of this poll (57% illegitimate vs. 42% legitimate) are compared to the PEW poll on last year's U.S. election results (young adults preferred Clinton over Trump by a 55%-37% margin) .... the argument can be made that President Trump's numbers are actually increasing. Still .... the fact that more than half of young Americans have decided that their President is not legitimate is a disturbing trend, and I predict will only continue.