Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 10, 2017

Ankit Panda, South China Morning Post: Summit was not quite the meeting of equals Xi would have wanted

The two nations remain near-peers in the realm of contemporary great powers, and not absolute peers as China would will it

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s two-day visit to US President Donald Trump’s over-the-top estate at Mar-a-Lago in Florida was meant to offer an opportunity to showcase China as an equal to the United States.

Xi would ideally have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Trump, amid all the pomp and ostentatious kitsch of what Trump has called his ‘Winter White House’, and impressed on the US administration that China’s long-sought reality of a ‘G2’ of sorts with the United States was now a fait accompli amid Trump’s supposed lurch away from the old shibboleths of US foreign policy since the end of the second world war.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 10, 2017

Exclusive: At strategic shoal, China asserts power through control, and concessions -- Martin Petty, Reuters

Why Vladimir Putin won't back out of Syria -- Martin Chulov, The Guardian

US-Russian honeymoon turns sour over Syria -- Fiona Clark, DW

What exactly is US Syria policy? Big questions for allies -- Josh Lederman, AP

U.S. Commanders in Cautious Mood After Syria Strike -- Stratfor

US, North Korea, China - diplomacy and saber rattling -- Matthias von Hein, DW

Does US Carrier's About Face In Asia Signal Impending North Korea Showdown? -- Tyler Rogoway, The Drive

U.S. Carrier’s Korea Mission: A Message to the World -- Demetri Sevastopulo & Tom Mitchell, RCD/Financial Times

Donald Trump Should Go to Japan -- Paul J. Smith, National Interest

Washington sees Iraq as front for Iran pushback -- Omar Sattar, Al-Monitor

Turkey's opposition: Referendum will deepen problems -- Umut Uras, Al Jazeera

Turkish referendum: all you need to know -- Kareem Shaheen, The Guardian

Europe’s Balkan blindspot -- Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico

The Balkans Will Be America and Russia's Next (Virtual) Battlefield -- James Jay Carafano, National Interest

Maduro and the military -- Evan Romero-Castillo, DW

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