FOX News: McMaster: Trump open to more military action in Syria but seeks 'political solution'
National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster on Sunday left open the possibility that President Trump will take further military action in Syria, but made clear the president wants a “political solution” to the Syrian crisis.
“We need to do everything we can,” McMaster said on "Fox News Sunday." “We need some kind of political solution to that very complex problem.”
He spoke several days after Trump authorized the U.S. military to fire 59 missiles on an airbase in central Syria, in response to Syrian President Bashar Assad launching another chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians, including children.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 10, 2017
McMaster Urges Russia to Rethink Syria Support -- AP
US officials say military hotline with Russia remains open -- AP
Russian move halting communications could put U.S. forces at risk -- Military Times
Trump advisers: US seeks to fight ISIS and oust Syria's Assad -- Military Times
Congressional leaders urge Trump for broader Syria strategy -- Defense News
Russia’s Big Plans for Air Defense in Eurasia -- Guy Plopsky, The Diplomat
Taiwan struggles to acquire 5 types of submarine tech for local program -- Defense News
Kuwait seeks U.S. support for airbase makeover -- UPI
Spain's former Defense Minister Carme Chacón dead at 46 -- UPI
Germany won't spend 2 percent on defense, says SPD candidate -- DW
Germany Looks to Root Out Far-Right Extremists in the Military -- Newsweek
Venezuela's Maduro and the military -- DW
US Navy group headed towards Korean Peninsula - US official -- DW
The Decision to Send a U.S. Navy Fleet Toward the Korean Peninsula Has Made Seoul Nervous -- Felix Solomon, Time
Chinese state media express 'concern' over USS Carl Vinson -- UPI
China and US agree to top military talks to head off close armed encounters -- South China Morning Post
Air Force F-35 Trains Against Russian, Chinese Air Defenses -- Scout Warrior
Trump fuels renewed battle over Navy combat jets -- Navy Times
US Navy considers a more powerful frigate -- Defense News
At last — carrier Ford tastes the sea to begin trials -- Navy Times
Army general says foreign tanks are increasingly competitive with the M1 Abrams -- Army Times
Reactive armor deflects blasts away from tank crews -- Army Times
U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin demo unmanned F-16 -- UPI
USS America tests Rolling Airframe Missile on drone -- UPI
Now It's the Army That Wants a New Rifle -- Popular Mechanics
U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan anti-Islamic State operation -- UPI
Donald Trump aide KT McFarland latest casualty of National Security Council reshuffle, official says -- ABC News Online
Army Reserve general dies after collapsing during physical fitness training -- Army Times
Russians may now control the trove of photos showing naked U.S. troops -- Military Times
Exclusive: Spyware firms in breach of global sanctions -- Al Jazeera
The U.S. Army Is Getting Ready for a Tough Reality: Battling Russian or Chinese Weapons -- Kris Osborn, National Interest