A Russian Aerospace Defense Force jet bombs Islamic State facilities in Syria. © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / RIA Novosti
Robert Beckhusen, War Is Boring: Russia’s Military Is Burning Through Its High Explosives
The war in Syria has depleted military stockpiles.
An air campaign requires a sprawling, complicated supply chain. Fire enough missiles and drop enough bombs, which require a heavy investment in materials and chemicals, and there will come a point when the logistics trail starts to strain.
Nearly 20 months into Russia’s intervention in Syria’s civil war, the strain is starting to show.
Russia has heavily relied on air power to support Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad. At times, the Russian air force has dropped bombs at a faster pace than the United States in Syria, benefiting
from significantly shorter flight times, and being hampered by the need to rely on a greater number of unguided bombs.
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WNU Editor: The Russian military's supply chain is a left-over of the Soviet era. Fixed production quotas and dates .... with no room to quickly change production in the event that circumstances (like the war in Syria) results in a shortfall. And everyone in Russia saw this coming years ago .... when large number of these military factories and production facilities were being closed down and demolished .... but no one cared at the time. Flash forward to today .... the U.S. has the same problem, but they are solving their bomb supply/production production by attracting more workers with better salaries/benefits .... The U.S. Military Is Running Out Of Bomb Kits (March 31, 2017) .... but on the Russian side the pay is still lousy, and no one is really interested in taking this type of work. My prediction .... this is a problem that the Russian Defense Ministry is not going to have an easy time solving .... which for us who live in the West should take some comfort from.
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WNU Editor: The Russian military's supply chain is a left-over of the Soviet era. Fixed production quotas and dates .... with no room to quickly change production in the event that circumstances (like the war in Syria) results in a shortfall. And everyone in Russia saw this coming years ago .... when large number of these military factories and production facilities were being closed down and demolished .... but no one cared at the time. Flash forward to today .... the U.S. has the same problem, but they are solving their bomb supply/production production by attracting more workers with better salaries/benefits .... The U.S. Military Is Running Out Of Bomb Kits (March 31, 2017) .... but on the Russian side the pay is still lousy, and no one is really interested in taking this type of work. My prediction .... this is a problem that the Russian Defense Ministry is not going to have an easy time solving .... which for us who live in the West should take some comfort from.