Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 23, 2017

Patrick Cockburn, The Independent: Isis may be leaderless and facing defeat in Mosul, but the jihadis will fight on

Terror group has always been able to take root and grow out of chaos and war – and will continue to wreak havoc around the world

The blowing up by Isis of the al-Nuri mosque in Mosul marks a decisive defeat for the caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the same mosque three years ago. Isis will continue fighting as a guerrilla force, but it will be the end of a state once the size of Great Britain and fielding a military force more powerful than many members of the United Nations. Presumably Isis decided to destroy the ancient mosque and its famous minaret, a symbol of Mosul, to prevent the Iraqi security forces triumphantly raising the Iraqi flag over a place so closely associated with Isis.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 23, 2017

Is ISIS Conceding Defeat? -- Robin Wright, The New Yorker

When the Battle for Mosul Ends, the Fight for Iraq Begins -- Kawa Hassan, National Interest

Satellite Images Reveal Mosul's Cultural Destruction -- Kristin Romey, National Geographic

If Russia Wants the Syria Mess, Let Them Have It -- Ted Galen Carpenter, National Interest

Instability and Salman's Nepotistic Power Play -- Paul Pillar, National Interest

Saudi Arabia and the United States Are on a Collision Course With Iran -- Ashish Kumar Sen, RCD/Atlantic Council

How long can Qatar’s economy withstand sanctions? -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times

Ghost Cities, Demographic Lessons From Japan To China -- Kondo Daisuke, World Crunch

In China's far west the 'perfect police state' is emerging -- Tom Phillips, The Guardian

Here’s Why China’s Supposed Influence Over North Korea Is A Bluff -- Xander Snyder, Maulden Economics

North Korea Is No Place for U.S. Tourists -- Bloomberg editorial

America Is Now a ‘Second Tier’ Country -- Eric Roston, Bloomberg

Key Chavistas Abandon Maduro as Crisis Intensifies -- Andrew Rosati and Fabiola Zerpa, Bloomberg

How Amazon Could Dominate 3 Megatrends of the 21st Century -- Michael Hodin, The Fiscal Time

Where the World’s Wealthiest Spend Their Weekends -- James Tarmy, Bloomberg

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