A picture taken from the Golan Heights on September 10, 2016, shows smoke rising from the Syrian village of Jubata al-Khashab. Israeli aircraft struck Syrian army positions after fire from its war-torn neighbor hit the Golan. (AFP/Jalaa Marey)
Times of Israel: Syrian shells land in Golan Heights, sparking IDF strikes
Syrian shells land in Golan Heights, sparking IDF strikes
Israel complains to UN, hits back at Assad regime tanks and post, after apparent errant fire from fighting near the border
Several mortar shells exploded in an open area in the Golan Heights near the border with Syria Saturday afternoon, the army said, leading to retaliatory air strikes.
The army said the mortars appeared to be errant fire from Syrian factions fighting each other across
the border. Around 10 impacts were identified in Israeli territory, around the Quneitra area.
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IDF strikes Syrian targets in response to Golan crossfire -- The Jerusalem Post
Israel attacks Syrian tanks in response to wayward projectiles -- Ynetnews
Israel launches air raid on Syria in return for fire: Army -- Daily Star/AFP
Spillover fire from Syria reaches northern Israel -- Jerusalem Online
Israel tells civilians to steer clear of Syria border -- ABC News/AP
Israeli warplanes target 2 Syrian tanks over spillover cross-border fire -- RT
Several Syrian Projectiles Fall on Israeli Part of Golan Heights – IDF -- Sputnik
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More News On Israel Launching Air Strikes On Syrian Positions After Spillover Fire In Syria Hit The Golan Heights
IDF strikes Syrian targets in response to Golan crossfire -- The Jerusalem Post
Israel attacks Syrian tanks in response to wayward projectiles -- Ynetnews
Israel launches air raid on Syria in return for fire: Army -- Daily Star/AFP
Spillover fire from Syria reaches northern Israel -- Jerusalem Online
Israel tells civilians to steer clear of Syria border -- ABC News/AP
Israeli warplanes target 2 Syrian tanks over spillover cross-border fire -- RT
Several Syrian Projectiles Fall on Israeli Part of Golan Heights – IDF -- Sputnik