General Atomics
Fritz Lodge, Cipher Brief: Best Of: Railguns: The Fast, the Furious—and the Future?
With electromagnetic railgun systems (EMRS), “faster than a speeding bullet” takes on new meaning. The 32-megajoule – a measurement of power applied over a period of time, in this
case equivalent to about nine kilowatt-hours – railgun in its second phase of testing by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) can fire a projectile at seven times the speed of sound (Mach 7), almost three times faster than an M16 rifle bullet. What’s more, the weapon achieves this blistering speed without the need for volatile, expensive, and heavy chemical propellants like gunpowder.
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WNU Editor: A good analysis on the current state of where is the U.S. military when it comes to railguns. Bottom line .... don't expect it to be widely deployed for a few more years (maybe).
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WNU Editor: A good analysis on the current state of where is the U.S. military when it comes to railguns. Bottom line .... don't expect it to be widely deployed for a few more years (maybe).