Daily Mail: 'He didn't discover America he invaded it': Protesters now rally to REMOVE statue of Christopher Columbus from Manhattan after NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said it was under review as a 'symbol of hate'
* Friday night a rally was held in Columbus Circle to call on the city to remove a statue of Christopher Columbus from where it has stood since the 1800's
* NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is weighing a decision on whether to remove statue of the Italian explorer with a task force reviewing 'symbols of hate' in the city
* The statue, which is over 100 years old, sits atop is a traffic circle in Manhattan
* Friday morning a rally was held at City Hall to keep the statue of Columbus where it is
* Meanwhile references and a statue to Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant in New York are also under siege
* The growing debate on removing statues began after a Charlottesville, Va protest against removing a Confederate statue, turned deadly earlier this month
A rally was held in New York by those who wish to see the removal of a statue of Christopher Columbus from where it has stood since the 1800's.
The statue is currently under review by a special task force implemented by Mayor Bill de Blasio designed to remove 'symbols of hate' in New York City.
Friday night,
demonstrators took to Columbus Circle where the statue is prominently displayed in a busy round-about at the base of Central Park, carrying signs that read: 'Columbus didn't discover America he invaded it.'
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Update: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio may take down Christopher Columbus statue (CBS).
WNU Editor: As this blog predicted weeks ago .... the movement to destroy/abolish/remove American history has spread from those who wanted the removal of statues honouring Confederate leaders to the removal of statues and landmarks that any group may find grievance with .... starting with Christopher Columbus. Why stop at a Christopher Columbus statue in New York City. Might as well abolish the name Columbia University, Columbus Avenue, Columbus circle, the Columbus parade, etc... or for that matter .... every historical American leader who helped in the founding of the U.S.. This is going to continue until the public starts voting out those political leaders who promote this cause ..... and in the case of New York City that person is the mayor and many elements of the Democrat Party.
Update: The same thing is happening in Canada .... Should John A. Macdonald's name be removed from schools? It is at least a question worth asking (CBC).
Update #2: We are all guilty .... If We Topple Every Statue Of An Imperfect Person They Must All Come Down (Kyle Sammin, The Federalist).
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Update: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio may take down Christopher Columbus statue (CBS).
WNU Editor: As this blog predicted weeks ago .... the movement to destroy/abolish/remove American history has spread from those who wanted the removal of statues honouring Confederate leaders to the removal of statues and landmarks that any group may find grievance with .... starting with Christopher Columbus. Why stop at a Christopher Columbus statue in New York City. Might as well abolish the name Columbia University, Columbus Avenue, Columbus circle, the Columbus parade, etc... or for that matter .... every historical American leader who helped in the founding of the U.S.. This is going to continue until the public starts voting out those political leaders who promote this cause ..... and in the case of New York City that person is the mayor and many elements of the Democrat Party.
Update: The same thing is happening in Canada .... Should John A. Macdonald's name be removed from schools? It is at least a question worth asking (CBC).
Update #2: We are all guilty .... If We Topple Every Statue Of An Imperfect Person They Must All Come Down (Kyle Sammin, The Federalist).