U.S. Army and Marines M77A2 155mm towed-howitzers fitted with new M776 Full-Bore Chrome Tubes

New contract from US Army and Marine Corps for the Watervliet Arsenal wil to manufacture more than 100 M776 Full-Bore Chrome Tubes for the lightweight 155mm towed-howitzer system, the M777A2. The U.S. Marine contract is very similar to the Army order in that the arsenal will manufacture more than 100 M776 Full-Bore Chrome Tubes for the same howitzer system.  Read full news at this link ...
Marines with Battery K, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, fire an M777A2 Howitzer in the Quackenbush Training Area aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., Dec. 3, 2016, during the regiment's "Top Gun" competition. (Photo Credit: U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Levi Schultz)
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