Dave Majumdar, National Interest: Could North Korea's Army Crush the U.S. Military in a War?
Other than North Korea’s massed dug in artillery forces, Pyongyang’s enormous and well training special operations forces are the most dangerous threat facing the United States and the South. According to U.S. military sources, Pyongyang’s special operations troops are well trained and well equipped and pose a significant danger.
As Washington ratchets up the pressure on North
Korea—or potentially launches a preemptive strike—the Kim regime in Pyongyang has options to strike back hard at the United States and South Korea using purely conventional means.
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WNU Editor: Any conventional war on the Korean peninsula will primarily be a conflict between South Korean and North Korean military forces. As for U.S. forces, they will primarily be engaging the enemy from the air and from the sea. If the war continues ..... it will take for US ground forces to be deployed, but even then I do not see them leading the fight into North Korea. In the current situation, there is simply not enough U.S. forces to do the job alone.
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WNU Editor: Any conventional war on the Korean peninsula will primarily be a conflict between South Korean and North Korean military forces. As for U.S. forces, they will primarily be engaging the enemy from the air and from the sea. If the war continues ..... it will take for US ground forces to be deployed, but even then I do not see them leading the fight into North Korea. In the current situation, there is simply not enough U.S. forces to do the job alone.