John Q. Public: Air Force Lowers Promotion Standards to Address Officer Shortages
It’s been a season of relative optimism about the future of the Air Force. But the service is still prone to bouts of myopic personnel mismanagement. It will occasionally belch out a policy so bad that it beggars belief. Its latest
It’s been a season of relative optimism about the future of the Air Force. But the service is still prone to bouts of myopic personnel mismanagement. It will occasionally belch out a policy so bad that it beggars belief. Its latest
epic gaffe will fix nothing and create lasting dysfunction … all the while eroding the confidence of airmen.
In a September 13th press release, the service announced that captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major. Only those with conduct blemishes in their records will require formal recommendations. Everyone else will be promoted automatically.
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WNU Editor: This is how much the standards have been lowered .... captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major.
In a September 13th press release, the service announced that captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major. Only those with conduct blemishes in their records will require formal recommendations. Everyone else will be promoted automatically.
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WNU Editor: This is how much the standards have been lowered .... captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major.