Intelligence reports have described Ri, pictured right, as coming from an ordinary family, with her father an academic and her mother a doctor
Daily Mail: Kim's young 'un: Spies reveal North Korean dictator has a secret son waiting in the wings to inherit his brutal regime but the boy has NEVER been seen in public
* Dictator has three children with his wife but gender of first has not been revealed
* It has now emerged that Kim Jong-un has a young son who was born in 2010
* The boy has never been seen in public but will inherit his father's brutal regime
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has a secret son who is heir to his brutal regime, spies have revealed.
The dictator has three children with his wife Ri Sol-ju but the gender of the couple's first - who was born in 2010 - has never been
Following the birth of their son the couple had a baby girl in 2013 and another child just six months ago, according to previous reports from South Korea's intelligence agency.
The first lady had disappeared for an extended period last year, raising speculation that she could be pregnant.
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South Korea: Kim Jong Un's third child born in February -- CNN
Kim Jong-un has a ‘secret son’ who will inherit regime -- NYPost
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has a secret son who will inherit his brutal regime --
North Korea's First Family Grows After Kim Jong Un 'Fathered Third South Korean Spies Say -- Newsweek
Keeping up with the Kims: North Korea's elusive first family -- BBC
What happens to North Korea if Kim Jong-un dies? -- Nick Pearson, 9News
Following the birth of their son the couple had a baby girl in 2013 and another child just six months ago, according to previous reports from South Korea's intelligence agency.
The first lady had disappeared for an extended period last year, raising speculation that she could be pregnant.
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More News On North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un's Family
South Korea: Kim Jong Un's third child born in February -- CNN
Kim Jong-un has a ‘secret son’ who will inherit regime -- NYPost
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has a secret son who will inherit his brutal regime --
North Korea's First Family Grows After Kim Jong Un 'Fathered Third South Korean Spies Say -- Newsweek
Keeping up with the Kims: North Korea's elusive first family -- BBC
What happens to North Korea if Kim Jong-un dies? -- Nick Pearson, 9News